Bijoy to Unicode :
> Supports Bijoy 2000, Bijoy 200 Pro, Bijoy 2003, Bijoy 2003 Pro, Bijoy 2004 Pro, Bijoy Ekushey 2007 Classic
> Alpona Professional to Unicode Both Alpona ANSI and Alpona Unicode (Private Range) versions are supported
> Proshika Shabda to Unicode All Proshika Shabda versions are supported
> Proborton to Unicode Both Proborton 2 and Proborton 2000 versions are supported
Avro Converter supports a variety range of document conversion by OLE Automation method. So, in a rare number of cases you will need to use
* Copy>Paste text conversion (which is also supported). The current release supports-
* Copy>Paste text conversion directly from clipboardPlain text file (*.txt) conversion
* Rich text file (*.rtf) conversionMicrosoft Word Document file (*.doc, *.docx) conversionMicrosoft Access Database (*.mdb) conversion.
Download from here: Download Avro Converter